When you start thinking about using web marketing for your business are you planning for SEO?
What are Web Marketing Strategies?
Web Marketing Strategies are a combination of a few or all the following marketing methods: social media marketing, branding, an email campaign, ppc campaign, content marketing, conversion optimization and SEO. In this article we are going to go over some of the basics and why you should consider SEO as a part of your web marketing strategy.
Why use Web Marketing Strategies?
The reason people consider doing web marketing is so that they can bring more targeted visitors to their website to purchase, or sign up for a product or service. Using a combination of web marketing strategies ensures you are reaching as much of your target audience as possible.
How SEO is a great tool in Web Marketing Strategies
SEO has some great uses in web marketing to help you analyze and gauge how the other strategies you implement are working. SEO has an impact on your website whether you realize it or not because to be found on search engines you had someone set up basic meta and analytics, so why not go beyond that and view how customers are engaging with your website. SEO analysis will let you see how a site is converting, if people are sticking around and clicking on or what other behavior they are doing on your website. If your key terms or keywords are not a great match for the audience being trafficked to your website, SEO will allow you to see that and with that information it will let you dial in your ppc campaign, your content, or even your social media marketing. SEO lets you have a casting net over all the other tools you are using to see how the results are working, have a website that is optimized for success so your not just depending on the phone to ring to find out if people are looking.
Whatever your web marketing strategies may be make sure you are utilizing SEO as part of that plan. JS Web Solutions has years of experience in user engagement, SEO and we use some of the most comprehensive SEO Tools on the market to give you an in-depth analysis of your website, give you conversion data and give you the overall health of your marketing and website. As part of website maintenance and security we also offer basic analysis and reporting with some of our plans.