The Sports Media Magazine Company has been in the publishing business since 1995.
With the ever changing landscape of publishing they deciding it was time to pivot the business to not only offer a print subscription but also a enriched web/ mobile experience.
Last year they begin offering a web PDF version of their various sport magazine products but it lacked the interactive capabilities of a real website and had limited possibilities for growth, or SEO.
Phase 1 - Design and Architecture
We designed an updated version of the website that was based on modern web standards and included planning that would cover a broad range of magazines. The design was mobile friendly, and flexible.
We created a WordPress Multisite as the starting framework for them to develop their network of sites.
Phase 2 - Site Development and E-commerce
We built a membership solution centered around WooCommerce, Subscriptions, and content management. The theme was developed as a Genesis Child Theme to give maximum flexibility and ROI for current and future customization. All built on WordPress multisite, giving a singular site interface for management of all publishing and allowing consistency across the sports media publishing network. Built and hosted on WPEngine for reliable scalability.
Priority on Mobility
The website was built with a mobile first approach making it easier to the content to be consumed by mobile devices.
Based on their traffic numbers mobile first had to be a priority, so it was important that not only was consumer management of their products important but it needed to be easy for people to find and read articles from their mobile devices.
This change also brings the Sports Media Magazine Company inline with Google's Mobile Index Update

The Results
Organic Page Views
User Growth
Organic Search Referrals
These results are based on analytics for this website, there is no guarantee of these results for other projects.